First we will finish off Halloween! We went to Mike and Bree Bory's house for a Halloween party. It was so much fun! It was fun to get to know them better, and to get all dressed up! We just kinda winged it. Tyler was obviously a vampire and i just put on everything that i could find. The end product- we decided- was RAMBO! ha ha Thanks for inviting us Mike and Bree!!!

Now Thanksgiving....
We went down to St. George to be with some of Tyler's family. We had a great Thanksgiving dinner... did some midnight shopping (pre black friday sales), and had a good time being with family and friends. They had a "thankful tree" hung up, and everybody had to write on a leaf something that they were thankful for and hang it on the tree. I wrote mine first and waited to see what Tyler would put. It was so cute! He put me and i put him! I really am thankful every day for Tyler. I'm so glad i get to be with him forever! We are also thankful for everything we have. We have been so blessed this last year and a half since we have been married. We have great families, great friends, great church callings, and great opportunities.

On Friday we went on a fun bike ride (because it was mostly down hill :)) j/k. Then we went to the movie "Old Dogs" with everyone. It was such a funny movie. Definitely a cute family film for those of you that haven't been to see it yet! We went to Iggy's Sports Grill that night for dinner and had some awesome food! Tyler ate so much! ha ha Everyone was amazed!

The next day was the BYU vs. Utah rival game. So we woke up and made breakfast for everyone. All weekend long i was teasing Tyler's hard care Utah loving uncle about how BYU was going to kill them. So we but blue coloring in the waffles. Right when we were about to do it to the eggs too, his uncle stopped me and made us to the eggs red. It was a fun breakfast! (and luckily BYU did win... which reminds me... i need to call uncle Scott to rub it in ha ha)

We definately had a good Thanksgiving!!! It was so fun to have my New Daughter in law there. Love you Cor!
haha cori it looks like you guys are having so much fun!! How's up north?? you like it?? when are you guys gonna have kids??? haha j/k! hope all is well!!
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