I was supposed to work on New Years Eve and New Years Day both the night shifts. So we didn't have much planned, but the day before new years eve i started getting really bad pains in my stomach to the point where i couldn't walk anymore. We made sure our insurance had begun to cover us, Tyler and his dad gave me a blessing, and Tyler's family talked me into going into the hospital. So in we went to the Richfield hospital. They told me i had appendicitis and it needed to come out A.S.A.P. but they didn't have a surgeon available at the time, and for insurance purposes we had to go all the way up to Provo to Utah Vally Regional Medical Center and at 2am on January 29, i had surgery to remove my appendix. Not the funnest thing ever. After that we just stayed up at my parents house in Springville for the next couple of days where we did nothing but lay around. It was great! :) I needed it. We had new years with my family and all though we didn't get to party too much it still was a good one!
Yes . . . and you were such a trooper. You hardly even complained. Glad you are feeling better now.
Cori...YOU MOVED TO RICHFIELD??!!lol how come I never see you!! well, it's good to hear you are feeling better and that everything went well with your surgery. look me up sometime. I'd love to see you again!
Hey Cori!! just came across your blog so I thought I'd say hi! thanks again for helping me with our kids today at church. You are welcome to sit by us anytime! ha I'll get it together one day! We have a blog too so check it out sometime. camiandjames.blogspot.com
see ya soon I'm sure!
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