For Christmas we got a giant nice BBQ from Tyler's parents. Because it's so big it has been in their backyard since Christmas, but now that it's starting to warm up, Tyler and his friends decided to have a little BBQ/game night! It was lots of fun! The boys were great cooks, and we all played PIT. If you don't know what that game is, it's an awesome game for a big group of people. We were laughing so hard! I definitely recommend it!

FUN! you guys party a lot, huh? our bluebird takes donations all year long - feel free to contribute! ;)
Hey remember me?? I didn't know you had a blog! How are things?
Are those Brauts???? Ewwwww :}
We are totally loving it up here it is so much fun. And the football program is awesome! Although, a lot of the time I miss Ephraim and the small town life. How are you guys doing? You need to move to Salt Lake not Logan!! Oh yeah and I am adding you as a friend on my list right now...
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