Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Jaggers blessing

Tyler got to stand in on his first baby blessing. It was so exciting and neat to see him be able to go help (and he loo

We also caught Brett showing his softy side! They were so cute sleeping together on the couch. A funny thing that one of the little cousins said to Tyler was, "Hey what's that guys name that sits on the couch all day?" I said, "Uncle Brett?" He's all, ya that guy!! ha ha its ok. You do a good job of it Brett!
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Our Thanksgiving Break

The next morining on Thanksgiving, we woke up and headed right over the the church with my dad, Mackenzie, and Riley, and we played some major basketball with our neighbors and some of their family. It was fun, but we kinda played too long, because when we realized what time it was, we had to go straight over to my grandma's house (all sweaty and in
our basketball stuff). But the more
i think about it, it was a unique Thanksgiving because we have never done that before, so i think it made it more memorable. The food was great! Thanks mom and grandma! And then we took naps and just relaxed the rest of the day. We got a redbox movie- Fred Clause and my dad popped his amazing popcorn. It was a really cute movie!
Black Friday was quite an adventure for us! Me, my mom, Mackenzie, and Ab

by all got up at 4 a.m. to get those major sweet
sales :). We saw two women w
ho were unconcious, and one man who totally bro
ke his arm, but still wouldn't let go of the kitchen aid he faught so hard to get! Sometimes it's funny just to watch how crazy people get at things like that! We went all around and probably spent more money th
an we should have, b
ut it was fun.
When i got home me and Tyler set out on our own

shopping spree and got most of our christmas shopping done. When we got home we discovere
d that my little brother Trevor had been playing our wii since the minute he woke up. My parents were gone and no body else had see
n him because he never came

The next day was "Twilght" day for the girls! Me, my mom, Mackenzie, an

d Abby all have read the first
book (well Abby was
almost d
one), and we had been planning this day for a while!
We tried to talk the boys into coming but they went to Quantum of Solace instead. Though they had all heard skeptical things about the movie, we all thought it was really good! We h

ad fun! It had been a lont time since we all just went to the movie together.
After the movies got over we went to taco bell and then me and Tyler had to head down to Richfield for a baby blessing. It was fun, and the day we left, sure enough, Maci started liking us again. Right when we had to leave! :)
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Church Talkers
Me and Tyler got asked to speak in church when we went to tithing settlement. He asked us for the next sunday (which was this last sunday). So this is our warning to all who are just trying to do the right thing and be one of the first ones to sign up for tithing settlement early.... DON"T DO IT! Ha ha No just kidding. It was a really good experience for both of us. Tyler did an awesome job. He always amazes me at how he can relate anything to the scriptures and doctrines of the church. I have always envied his ability to think things through. Add that to his skills list! :) Anyways, after we spoke, Tylers parents Brett and Donna came over and at dinner. Tyler cooked Shrimp alfredo! It was tasty, and we played Mario Kart.
Donna... don't worry! Maybe once you get your own wii and practice a bit, then you will start driving the right way and you won't take last anymore! ha ha It was fun to hear Donna say, hey am i supposed to go down that hole, and to hear Brett say, i'm falling on the earth! Ha ha they got some good laughs out of me! All in all it was a good weekend! Now we have to start thinking about finals, and packing...
Love Cori

Love Cori
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
school :(
i dont think anyone ever has liked science. for me sience is super sucky. i cant wait for this sumester to get over cause im sick of doing stuff that im never gonna need or do. this is my wonderfull complaint. i think school will be fun-er when i can do what i want to do instead of what i have to for this dumb associates its taking me forever to recieve. :(
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Congrats to Richfield Volleyball!!! WHOO!

Congrats to the new 2A state champs! Richfield Wildcat volleyball! We are so excited and proud of them! Since Tyler's dad is the head coach we have kept close tabs on this team and had a fun time watching them! Tyler went to UVU to watch the championship game and had a blast! Cori had to work but wishes she could've come! Good work Brett!!! :)
So Halloween this year wasn't exactly what either of us would have thought it would be. Cori had to work at the hospital all night long, and Tyler had to work from 3-9pm. Although we couldn't really make festive plans together we still got to have some fun. We towed our broken down car over to the car place to figure out if we could save it or needed to trash it. The towing part was the best! Cori rode in the broken car and was the breaks and Tyler was up
front for the gas. It was quite an adventure. We actually did pretty well! Later on before Cori left to work, we both spray painted our hair and Cori dressed up as a basketball player for work (real original, i know :)). Cori hair was bright pink and Tylers was red! It was fun! Then off Cori went to work, and Tyler hung out with Kennon Anderson that night. They played some basketball and of course ate food (maybe a little candy here and there). So even though it wasn't the ideal conditions, our Halloween still turned out ok!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Wedding Pictures!!!

Well our wedding pictures finally made it in from Canada! It's so fun to go back and look at them, and remember our special day! They are priceless! That day was perfect and i wouldn't have changed anything about it! We want to give a special thanks to my uncle Tylor Wood for doing such an awesome job on the pictures. He was great to work with and be around, and his pictures turned out great. While we are at it we might as well thank all of our friends and family members that came out to our wedding and reception/s to support us. It means a lot, and we will definately carry that with us the rest of our lives! We love you all and wish you all the best!
Friday, August 29, 2008
the tony visit
one amazing thing that happens to us in life are friends. last night i had the amazing opportunity to experience the visit from a good friend, thomas. we started the night with some light conversation

Thursday, August 28, 2008
The only thing we can constantly know will happen is change. Its crazy how much life can change in a year, or two, or even four. Of course the longer time goes the more you expect the change to take its place. When i think about last year and how much has changed, then think about the year before, its crazy the friendships that i have made and eradicated in that time. Two years ago i was in kentucky preaching the gospel full time, getting up at six thirty and going to bed at ten thirty every day while keeping a tight schedule that helped me get a ton of stuff done every day. A year fast foreword from that i was hanging out with a lot of different people that i only talk to once a month or so now, or not at all, moving into a new college experience at the same place i had been before but with new people that have proved to be some of my best friends of all time, all of this while shedding the people that i used to think would always be there for me learning that they would not live up to those expectations i had in the past. From then to the present has been one extremely positive experience right after another. I feel so blessed to be at the point that i am in my life today, with the people i now surround myself with there is no way that i can see me failing in life. I can also say that the experiences, friendships, and personal choices that i have made, and negative things that i have overcome, have all been for my own good. I fully believe that the lord has had his hand in my life in a very intimate manner, and has blessed me in so many different ways because of the way that i have reacted to the situations that have came my way. I hope that i continue to have these trials in my life, that i may learn more fully the true recipe of happiness according to god, and also because i know i have such a long way to go in becoming the person that i want to be. I love my life, i love my wife, and im so excited to build a family, upon that family which i already have, and experience the joys within.
tyler "the ultimate" beagley
I agree with Tyler. Change is the only thing that we can really count on to be the same. Although sometimes it can be a difficult thing, change can be good! Without change our lives wouldn't have the chance to progress to new things.
Change has brought on the fact that my friends are all in different places and we don't get to see each other very much. I still love them to death, but it is hard to hang out with them, and we will all admit that it's really different. That's a hard thing, but we are all starting out on our own adventures and life is going to bring us all different but good things!
One change that was somewhat hard for me to deal with recently was when my parents told me and my brothers and sisters that they were going to have a baby. That was something that i never imagined would ever happen, and the shock of it made the situation seem worse to me. Of course there was that excitement in me. I mean, who doesn't like new babies to play with and love! But I had a hard time knowing that a lot of changes would be happening in my life, changes that would keep me from being home and sharing the experience of a new baby with my whole family. Being the oldest of (now 6) i had been there to help raise and watch my other brothers and sisters grow up, and i have always felt that i had a big part in their lives. This little baby wouldn't even know me. I wouldn't ever live at home that she can remember. I wouldn't be there to play with her all the time and watch her grow up. I will be 40 when she graduates from high school, so she might even think she has 3 grandmas by then :)! Maci May was born on January 12th, 2008. She is a happy, healthy and very spoiled baby. I wouldn't send her back for anything! She has been such a joy in our lives. I lived at home this last summer and got to see her quite a bit before Tyler and I got married and I realized that even though this sister and I will have somewhat of a different relationship, it's ok! We are sisters and that's a bond that doesn't ever change. I'm so thankful for Maci and how happy she has made my parents and the rest of my family! She is such a blast!
I am also so thankful for change because without it i would have never met the love of my life, and we wouldn't be together for eternity! He is the best thing that has happened to me and I love him so much! He is my best friend! I'm excited to be with him through all the rest of the changes that may come our way in life!
cori nichole nielson beagley
Monday, August 25, 2008
Carson is almost just left

Saturday, August 23, 2008
the first
My name is Tyler. I rock hard every day. See i dont care much for english much so keep that in mind as you read... Im twenty three as of like three days ago. Twenty three is so much better than twenty two! Like serious, see when I turned twenty two it sucked cause i just started college and Calc 2 and life was sucky, but now at twenty three Im married and life is amazing! For those who may not know, im married to Cori Nichole Nielson Beagley, the most amazing thing ever created by the hand of God. We live ever so happily here in e town, just behind the best place to satisfy your hunger, you must get through the field of grasshoppers though, before you find our residence. If you listen close you will probably find some frickin cool music playing and some really funny jokes being told. One of my favorite things about being married is that you always have someone to play with! We love to play basketball and watch it too. See, we are ever so addicted to one tree hill... when i say we i mean her. Good times. I want her to love games like racquetball and ping pong as much as me so that one day we could play competitively. But see i dont dare play her one on one in basketball yet for fear of getting slaughtered. She was a college athlete and still could be and i am, ha ha, way far from that. There are a few things that every one that knows me will say that i am and first is that i am really funny... ha ha im not, that was a joke, but serious i am really good at being random and im really good at not shutting up, if you cant tell. If I can figure these things out, ill try and put some pictures and some songs and crap on here, but dont expect anything soon. Loves
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