We just went to my little brother Riley's high school graduation. It was fun and neat to see him walk! The thing is i kept looking around at all the kids graduating. They were freshmen when i graduated and i couldn't let it go that they we actually old enough to graduate because they all look like they did when they were freshmen! I blew my mind! And it got me thinking that my sister Mackenzie will be graduating in two more years and she still seems like a baby to me! ha ha Its just crazy how that works! Does anyone else ever feel that way???

We went to Tucanos for lunch before! For anyone who hasn't been there, you better go! It's amazing! We love it! Then we went shopping for a while and went to the graduation and went back to my parents and Riley opened gifts and we had icecream! It was a fun day and fun to be around everyone as usual!

We also recently went to Riley's seminary graduation. Good job Riley! We are proud of you and know you'll do great in the real world! ha ha
yeah, i feel like that, too. everytime i come home to manti and see the priests blessing the sacrament, or a group of kids driving, or someone checking me out of the grocery store. they are all too young to be blessing the sacrament, ddriving, or have a job! cute dress at the graduation, by the way!
Ryley graduated?!?!?! Wow, I didn't see that one coming...I thought he was a sophomore or junior! haha, that's awesome though! I love your dress Borg! :) Miss you!
My little sister graduates this weekend! I feel the same way.
Congrats to Riley! It seriously does not seem like that long ago that you and Riley were 1 and 3 and Brad and I were engaged :) I can still totally see you both in my mind's eye (your cute, curled under bangs!) Where has the time gone?!
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