Thursday, July 2, 2009

Finally an RN!!!

Ok! Copy and paste this address and when you get there type in Cori Beagley and select "nurse" below.
Ta Da! I'm so excited to be done with school! Its the best!


Tyson and Lana Hansen said...

Congrats! That's so exciting! I only have a year left woot woot! It's crazy that we're already graduating?!

Jordan and Chelsey said...

Wow Cori!! That is so exciting, good work girl. I'm sure its so great to be done... and yes lets please go double when you guys move up here. I miss you!

Bode & Taryn said...

Congrats!! That's awesome you passed, i hope i'm as smart as you in January when i take mine!!

Casseron said...

Way to go!!

Anna said...

woot woot! congrats - all that worrying and it paid off. you didn't tell me about your crazy experience! and that's cool i made it on your blog! i feel famous or something...

Donna said...

Congrats!!! Yep, she's my smarty pants daughter-in-law :) So proud of you Cori. Love ya!

Amy and Brad said...

Congratulations, Cori! We are so proud of you!